Pharmacy Times Article Recognizes Local 727’s Task Force Participation in Fight for Updated Pharmacy Legislation
Click here to read the Pharmacy Times’ April 15th article about the history of recent changes to the Illinois Pharmacy Act and the dangers associated with an overworked and overtasked pharmacy staff. The article highlights Local 727’s advocacy for more stringent regulations inside the pharmacies, primarily regarding the lengths of pharmacists shifts. During their tenure on the Illinois Pharmacy Task Force, a group created to address the concerns brought to light by a 2016 Chicago Tribune investigation, Local 727 was able to advocate for all retail pharmacists and bring to light the concerns of our CVS and Osco members. One of the most significant changes to the law that came out of the Task Force was mandated meal breaks, and the required recording of these meal breaks, for all eligible pharmacists.
Members with questions should reach out to Business Agent Melissa Senatore (CVS) at (847) 696-7500 or [email protected] or Sean McGough (Osco) at (847) 696-7500 or [email protected].
Nothing in this article should be read as the union’s waiver of any legal argument, position or grievance(s), or as a waiver of any rights, arguments, or defenses under any contract, collective bargaining agreement, or applicable law. The union does not forfeit its right to make any and all supplemental arguments.
Category: Union News