Union Informs Public of CVS Pharmacists’ Unfair Working Conditions

Union Informs Public of CVS Pharmacists’ Unfair Working Conditions

| April 28, 2016

Teamsters Local 727 representatives have taken action to inform the public of CVS management’s mistreatment of its overworked and understaffed pharmacists.

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Local 727 Pepsi Bargaining Committee Makes Movement to Narrow Focus to Most Important Issues

| April 28, 2016

The Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee opened the final day of contract negotiations by emphasizing to Pepsi management which issues are most important to the membership. “This is where the […]

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Apply for Apprenticeship Program for Construction Drivers

| April 28, 2016

Illinois Teamsters Joint Council No. 25 and Employers Apprenticeship & Training Fund will be accepting applications for admission into its Apprenticeship Program for the trade of Construction Driver.

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Osco Surprises Union With Contract Extension Proposal

| April 28, 2016

At 8:37 p.m. Wednesday night — in a completely unexpected and unsolicited move —Osco management sent the union a contract extension proposal. The Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee and Osco management have never once discussed a contract extension at the bargaining table.

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Local 727 Urges Osco to Work With Union, Company Still Ignoring Pharmacists’ Concerns

| April 27, 2016

The Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee opened contract negotiations April 27 by urging Osco management to work with the union to reach a fair agreement. “We need to change the dynamic of our ongoing partnership,” said John T. Coli, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 727. “Over and over, we have expressed what our six core issues are, and if we can see movement on those issues, we can create a good relationship going forward.”

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