Osco Pharmacists Ratify New Three-Year Contract

Osco Pharmacists Ratify New Three-Year Contract

| August 23, 2016

Osco members overwhelmingly voted to ratify the company’s revised three-year contract offer, which includes retroactive raises, frozen health care premiums and a guaranteed 401(k) match for more than 500 pharmacists.

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STEWARD SPOTLIGHT: Phil Lewandowski, Pepsi 35th Street

STEWARD SPOTLIGHT: Phil Lewandowski, Pepsi 35th Street

| August 18, 2016

Over the last three decades, Pepsi steward Phil Lewandowski has seen plenty of changes. But one thing that hasn’t changed is his dedication, both to his job and to his union.

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Union’s Newly Established Employee Relations Committee at Pepsi Set to Meet Aug. 18

Union’s Newly Established Employee Relations Committee at Pepsi Set to Meet Aug. 18

| August 17, 2016

As part of the new four-year Pepsi contract, an Employee Relations Committee (ERC) — composed of union stewards, union business representatives and employer representatives — was established and will meet quarterly to discuss issues of concern to the union and the company.

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CVS Finally Agrees to Enter Federal Mediation

CVS Finally Agrees to Enter Federal Mediation

| August 15, 2016

After three weeks of ignoring the union, CVS management has finally responded to Teamsters Local 727’s request to enter federal mediation. The first mediation meeting is scheduled for Sept. 22.

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Teamster Shares Lifelong Love of Hockey With At-Risk Kids

Teamster Shares Lifelong Love of Hockey With At-Risk Kids

| August 12, 2016

Teamsters Local 727 member Mark Truty loves his family and he loves his job at Rollex, but his first love was hockey. “I love this sport. I love the smell of the ice, I even love the smell of the locker room,” said Truty, 48.

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