Local 727 Reps, Pepsi Members Gear Up for Negotiations

Pepsi members attended a contract demands meeting with Local 727 representatives Feb. 7.
Current Contracts Covering 600 Workers Expire April 28, 2016
Teamsters Local 727 representatives are hard at work preparing for upcoming contract negotiations with PepsiCo management.
The current contracts covering more than 600 members at Pepsi facilities in Chicago and Kankakee expire April 28, 2016.
“First and foremost, this local union will be completely transparent throughout the negotiation process,” said John T. Coli, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 727. “This is not the union’s contract, this is our members’ contract, and their input and solidarity is absolutely crucial.”
Union reps have spent the last several weeks collecting contract demands from members during site visits. Pepsi members also had the opportunity to attend a contract demands meeting Feb. 7 at the local union’s hall in Park Ridge. About 70 members came together to discuss the issues that are most important to them.
The Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee — which is composed of newly elected Pepsi union stewards, union representatives and experienced attorneys — is scheduled to meet March 9 and March 15. During these meetings, the Bargaining Committee will provide valuable input on member demands for improvements to wages, benefits and working conditions in order to create a comprehensive contract proposal to present to management at the bargaining table. Negotiations are scheduled to begin March 22 and March 24.
“We have assembled a strong, capable team that is prepared to fight our members,” Coli said. “This union is committed to securing the kind of fair Teamster contract that our members deserve.”
Throughout negotiations, Local 727 also will provide members with timely bargaining updates via email blasts and our website, TeamstersLocal727.org. To receive updates directly in your inbox, contact Communications Director Maggie Jenkins at [email protected] or visit http://tinyurl.com/PepsiTeamsters.
Pepsi members with questions can contact Local 727 business representative Aisha Hurston at (847) 696-7500 or [email protected].