Local 727 and CDT Take Small Steps with First Tentative Agreements
Teamsters Local 727 successfully reached tentative agreements on 10 contract clauses with Cook DuPage Transportation, Inc., a subsidiary of National Express, during the parties’ most recent negotiation sessions on Monday, September 24th and Tuesday, September 25th.
“Though progress has been slow, the Union bargaining committee has made good strides in its meetings with CDT,” said John Coli, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer of Local 727.
During the latest negotiation sessions, Local 727 presented CDT with several recent news articles discussing safety issues faced by transit employees that are similar to those issues previously raised by the Union. Local 727 demanded CDT address the Union’s serious concerns and succeeded in securing a committment from the Company to focus negotiations next on addressing issues of employee safety.
When negotiations resume on Monday, October 1st, the Union bargaining committee and CDT management will concentrate on the Union’s outstanding employee safety proposals which focus on keeping both drivers and the public safe.
“Safety is a top priority for this Union. Our members should never be placed in a position where they fear for their safety while on the job,” added Coli. “CDT must get serious and address these pressing issues.”
Local 727 will keep members updated on the progress of negotiations.
Members with questions should contact Local 727 Business Representative Donnie Von Moore at (773) 403-1032 or Donnie@TeamstersLocal727.org.
Nothing in this article should be read as the union’s waiver of any legal argument, position or grievance. The union does not forfeit its right to make any and all supplemental arguments.
Stay Informed: Sign-up to receive contract updates directly to your email by visiting TeamstersLocal727.org or by contacting Donnie Von Moore at (773) 403-1032 or Donnie@TeamstersLocal727.org.