CVS Delays Selection of Dates to Meet with Union for Next Round of Negotiations

| October 27, 2017

CVS is yet again delaying selecting dates to meet with Teamsters Local 727 for the next round of bargaining for a new contract. The Parties last met on October 3, […]

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Improved Pharmacy Work Standards Championed by Local 727 Up for Possible Vote in Chicago City Council

| October 26, 2017

Teamsters Local 727’s efforts at reforming pharmacist work standards are now closer to becoming reality in Chicago. According to a recent article published in the Chicago Tribune, on Oct. 10, […]

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The Strength and Persistence of Local 727 Results in Creation of a Bypass to Osco’s Biometric System

| October 19, 2017

Earlier this year, Teamsters Local 727 filed a grievance against Osco for violating the collective bargaining agreement by its unilateral implementation of a biometric system which prevented pharmacists from taking […]

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CVS Shows Disregard for Pharmacists’ Concerns by Wasting Time During Latest Mediation Session

| October 6, 2017

The Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee and CVS management resumed negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement on October 3, 2017. The Union, as in previous negotiations, was forthright in […]

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Know Your Rights Concerning Osco’s Recent Pharmacy Store Hour Changes

Know Your Rights Concerning Osco’s Recent Pharmacy Store Hour Changes

| September 29, 2017

It is the Union’s understanding that Osco informed pharmacists today that Osco will be changing the operating hours of select pharmacies in the Chicago area. According to Osco, the changes […]

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