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As bargaining continued on April 21 for Local 727-represented pharmacists, Osco has sung a different tune at the table. Since April 12, Osco has ignored repeated information requests from Local 727 about the company’s profitability and rates for prescription drugs, which the company claims are declining without proof.
Contrary to Osco’s claims, the union’s contract proposals are aimed at increasing pharmacy technician support, guaranteeing overlap and eliminating tasks that take away from primary job duties, and thus, compromise customer service and patient safety.
Osco management rejected all of the union’s initial contract proposals while denying that problems even exist with scheduling, safety and other quality of life issues that the Teamsters Local 727 […]
The Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee presented a comprehensive contract proposal based on pharmacists’ demands as negotiations with Osco management opened April 12. The union proposals are aimed at increasing pharmacy technician support, guaranteeing overlap and eliminating superfluous tasks that take away from their primary job duties while compromising patient safety.
The Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee came together April 4 to prepare for contract negotiations with Osco management, which are set to begin April 12.