At September Meeting, Secretary-Treasurer Coli Announces Union Victories and the Benefit Fund Office’s Plan to Open a Health Care Clinic for Eligible Membership in 2022

Secretary-Treasurer John Coli, Jr. updated Local 727 membership on contracts, grievances, arbitrations, and other union business during an outdoor meeting held on September 26, 2021. This was the first in-person general membership meeting since February 2020; over the past year and a half general membership meetings have been held via Zoom in accordance
with COVID-19 restrictions.
Secretary-Treasurer Coli announced that Local 727 negotiated and ratified new contracts or extension agreements with companies including: Skyway, Chicago Tribune, First Transit Dupage, ASM Global, MV Division 135, and John Junior Installations, as well as for the Master Valet Agreement.
Among the biggest victories Local 727 achieved since the last membership meeting included multiple historical settlements over parking furlough grievances with: SP+, Hyatt Regency Chicago and O’Hare, and ABM.
Additionally, due to the efforts of Local 727, the largest non-union parking company in Chicago walked away from several locations and was immediately replaced by Local 727 represented parking companies. Also, the Union was able to come to a settlement agreement with Labor Service Solutions to credit and pay out one additional PTO day to eligible valet employees who refused to cross the nurses’ strike line at the University of
Chicago Medical Center.
Additionally, Secretary-Treasurer Coli reported on the success of the 2021 Charitable Fund event which was held in Crestwood on September 11th. During the event, the Union raised over $45,000 for the Fund.
Members also learned of the status of negotiations ongoing between the Union and Dr. Pepper as well as Great Lakes Coca-Cola. Secretary Treasurer Coli also reported that negotiations for the Master Commercial Parking Agreement will commence on Thursday, September 30th. Another meeting highlight was the announcement that the Local 727 Benefit Fund Office plans to open a health clinic for Local 727 Health & Welfare plan participants on the southside of Chicago in spring 2022. The clinic will serve as a primary care facility and pharmacy, and will also provide 24-hour a day telephone medical assistance.
Finally, members were able to be introduced – in person – to new Local 727 Business Agent Tommy Wilcox. Although Tommy joined the staff in July 2020, this was the first general membership meeting he has been able to attend.

The next general membership meeting will be held at noon on Sunday, October 31, 2021. Please note that meetings will continue to be held outdoors for the time being. The meeting will take place at Local 727, 1300 W. Higgins Road, Park Ridge, IL.
Nothing in this article should be read as the union’s waiver of any legal argument, position or grievance(s), or as a waiver of any rights, arguments, or defenses under any contract, collective bargaining agreement, or applicable law. The union does not forfeit its right to make any and all supplemental arguments.
Category: Union News