Archive for September, 2018

With Strike Looming, Union and MV Transportation Reach Tentative Agreement on New Contract
The Teamsters Local 727 bargaining committee and MV Transportation, Inc. have reached a tentative agreement for a new three-year collective bargaining agreement covering paratransit drivers, dispatchers, schedulers, and reservationists based […]
Local 727 and CDT Take Small Steps with First Tentative Agreements
Teamsters Local 727 successfully reached tentative agreements on 10 contract clauses with Cook DuPage Transportation, Inc., a subsidiary of National Express, during the parties’ most recent negotiation sessions on Monday, […]
Disrespectful, Dismissive, Delays, CVS’s Bad Faith Bargaining Continues
CHICAGO, September 26, 2018 – Teamsters Local 727 and CVS (NYSE: CVS) resumed negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement Friday, September 21st, for the first time since Local 727 […]

43 Days to Election Day: Are you registered?
VOTING IS POWER By casting a ballot Americans have the opportunity to effect change and make their voices heard. Yet, millions of Americans each year find themselves unable to vote […]
Union and MV Chicago 135 Scheduled to Meet
On Sunday, September 23rd, an overwhelming number of Teamsters Local 727 members employed by MV Transportation, Inc. at the Company’s Chicago facility voted to authorize an unfair labor practice strike […]