Archive for August, 2016

Union’s Newly Established Employee Relations Committee at Pepsi Set to Meet Aug. 18
As part of the new four-year Pepsi contract, an Employee Relations Committee (ERC) — composed of union stewards, union business representatives and employer representatives — was established and will meet quarterly to discuss issues of concern to the union and the company.

CVS Finally Agrees to Enter Federal Mediation
After three weeks of ignoring the union, CVS management has finally responded to Teamsters Local 727’s request to enter federal mediation. The first mediation meeting is scheduled for Sept. 22.

Teamster Shares Lifelong Love of Hockey With At-Risk Kids
Teamsters Local 727 member Mark Truty loves his family and he loves his job at Rollex, but his first love was hockey. “I love this sport. I love the smell of the ice, I even love the smell of the locker room,” said Truty, 48.

Union Mails New Contract Booklets to Pepsi Members
For members’ convenience, the union printed smaller versions of the new three-year Pepsi contract for members to keep for quick reference. Copies of the contract booklets were mailed to all Pepsi members this week.

Local 727 Working to Resolve GLCCD Attendance Policy Issues
Teamsters Local 727 representatives are working to resolve issues with Great Lakes Coca-Cola Distribution’s new attendance policy.