Archive for February, 2016

Local 727 Reps, Pepsi Members Gear Up for Negotiations
Teamsters Local 727 representatives are hard at work preparing for upcoming contract negotiations with PepsiCo management. The current contracts covering more than 600 members expire April 28, 2016.

Jewel-Osco Management Forcing Pharmacists to Pay More Than Other Employees for Same Health Care
Jewel-Osco management has been secretly forcing Teamsters Local 727-represented pharmacists to pay more than other employees for the same health insurance, the union recently learned.

Steward Spotlight: First Transit Chicago’s Corey Wright
Hours before the sun comes up, Teamsters Local 727 steward Corey Wright is already on the road. The First Transit Chicago Pace paratransit driver’s route begins at 4:40 a.m. each day.
Union Wins Parking Member’s Reinstatement, Back Pay After Unjust Termination
A Teamsters Local 727 parking cashier has been reinstated with full back pay and benefits after the union fought against her wrongful termination. She received $8,000 in back pay and full benefit contributions and experienced no loss of seniority.

TNBC Chicago Executive Board Re-Elected
The Executive Board of the Chicago Chapter of the Teamsters National Black Caucus, under the leadership of President Ramon Williams, recently was elected to a new three-year term, which began January 1, 2016.