SCR Continues to Waste Time and Money on Anti-Union Tactics by Filing Meritless Injunction: 727 Ready and Prepared for Legal Battle

| August 20, 2024

A mere four days after the Unfair Labor Practice strike commenced, SCR Medical Transportation, a subsidiary of Beacon Mobility (“SCR”) decided to needlessly spend money and time filing a meritless injunction against Teamsters Local 727.

“This injunction is nothing more than an attempt to infringe on the Union members’ legal right to engage in lawful peaceful picketing and hand-billing. This unnecessary expenditure is unfortunately common during ULP strikes but members should know that this is nothing more than a failed attempt to intimidate the Union and fight their dedicated employees,” said John Coli Jr., Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 727.

This most recent waste of money is unfortunately just another example of money and time wasted by SCR. Just today, SCR purchased a food truck, extra security, and flood lights for Scab workers. Union representatives were also told that SCR is promising to pay Scab workers $40 an hour to work during the ULP strike. “It is incredibly disappointing, though not at all surprising, that SCR would rather spend time and money on expensive lawyers, unnecessary food trucks, and baseless legal action instead of working to bargain in good faith and coming back to the bargaining table to reach an agreement. All these members want is to be treated with dignity and respect and to have a contract that reflects the same,” added Coli.

The Union has retained outside counsel with a wealth of experience fighting Union bullies like SCR and looks forward to reporting a victory.

With almost every day that has gone by, SCR has committed unfair labor practice after unfair labor practice. At this point, numerous ULP charges have been filed against SCR. Despite all of the Company’s antics and games, the Union members remain strong and prepared to continue the ULP strike as long as it takes.

“We want to thank our fellow Union brothers and sisters and members of the labor community for their support. The battle is far from over and we hope that the Judge will make the right decision to allow our members to continue their fight for respect and fairness. Regardless of what happens at the injunction hearing, we will remain steadfast in our efforts with the power of the Teamsters and the community behind us,” said John Coli, Jr.

Members with questions may also speak to a Business Representative at the Union by calling 847-696-7500.

Nothing in this article should be read as the union’s waiver of any legal argument, position or grievance(s), or as a waiver of any rights, arguments, or defenses under any contract, collective bargaining agreement, or applicable law. The union does not forfeit its right to make any and all supplemental arguments.

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