Union Wins Parking Member’s Reinstatement, Back Pay After Unjust Termination

| February 3, 2016

A Teamsters Local 727 parking cashier has been reinstated with full back pay and benefits after the union fought against her wrongful termination. She received $8,000 in back pay and full benefit contributions and experienced no loss of seniority.

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TNBC Chicago Executive Board Re-Elected

TNBC Chicago Executive Board Re-Elected

| February 2, 2016

The Executive Board of the Chicago Chapter of the Teamsters National Black Caucus, under the leadership of President Ramon Williams, recently was elected to a new three-year term, which began January 1, 2016.

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Local 727 Files Labor Board Charges Against CZS Management

| February 1, 2016

Teamsters Local 727 filed unfair labor practice charges against Chicago Zoological Society management because the company has engaged in bad faith bargaining. Negotiations on a new contract for full-time and seasonal zookeepers, groundskeepers, patrol officers and other union workers at Brookfield Zoo have ground to a halt because management refuses to budge from its draconian attendance policy proposal. The policy is designed to penalize union members for using their contractual sick day benefits.

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Union Challenges Osco’s Refusal to Provide Health Care Information

Union Challenges Osco’s Refusal to Provide Health Care Information

| January 28, 2016

Teamsters Local 727 has filed an unfair labor practice charge against Osco because the company still refuses to provide relevant information about its health and welfare plan.

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Hawthorne Racecourse Program Sellers Ratify New Contracts

Hawthorne Racecourse Program Sellers Ratify New Contracts

| January 27, 2016

Teamsters Local 727 representatives secured new one-year contracts for program sellers at Hawthorne Racecourse and Hawthorne-Corliss OTB.

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