Osco Pharmacists: Give Us Your Input Before Negotiations Resume!

| July 20, 2016

Teamsters Local 727 representatives and stewards have been talking to Osco pharmacists to continue gathering input as the Local 727 Bargaining Committee prepares to return to the bargaining table on July 28. Additionally, the union asked pharmacists to fill out a form online to give their input on which remaining open contract issues are most important to them.

“We have received an outpouring of input from pharmacists, who are more united, engaged and informed than ever,” said John T. Coli, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 727. “This bargaining unit is as strong as it’s ever been, and that is going to be crucial as we go back to the bargaining table next week.”

The remaining open issues include: wages, wage retroactivity, health insurance, coverage, holiday work rules, part-time scheduling, discipline of head pharmacists, job openings/transfers and personal day pay.

The chart below compares the company’s offer and the union’s last, best and final offer, which the Local 727 Bargaining Committee presented during the last meeting on June 14.


To help narrow the focus of negotiations on July 28, pharmacists are encouraged to rank the remaining open issues in order of importance (1 = most important, 9 = least important).

Pharmacists also can contact their union steward or their Local 727 business representative, Zach Frankenbach, at (847) 696-7500 or [email protected].

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Category: Osco, PHARMACY

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