Teamsters Local 727 Demands Great Lakes Coca- Cola Protect Members During COVID-19 Pandemic
As COVID-19 soars across the United States and the Chicagoland area, Great Lakes Coca-Cola has remained silent about any new measures to protect members and bringing back hazard pay. GLCC […]

November General Membership Meeting Notice
In an effort to keep all of our 727 members safe the November General Membership meeting will be held via Zoom (details below). November General […]

Local 727 Hawthorne Race Track Members Secure Benefits Over Winter Months
On November 1st, Hawthorne Race Track Parkers, Starters, and Valets unanimously ratified a sixteen-month contract which will secure Employer contributions to the Teamsters Local 727 Health and Welfare, Pension, and […]

Another Wage Increase Victory at MV Transportation Division 72
Six members recently received anniversary wage increases as outlined in the Union contract along with applicable retroactive back pay. After hearing reports from Union stewards that several members had not […]

Osco Continues Down Same Tired Road During October 15 Bargaining Session
Teamsters Local 727 and Osco Drug, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Albertsons, met on Thursday, October 15th and resumed bargaining in a federally mediated session. Minimal movement was made […]