Union Mails New Contract Booklets to Pepsi Members

Union Mails New Contract Booklets to Pepsi Members

| August 11, 2016

For members’ convenience, the union printed smaller versions of the new three-year Pepsi contract for members to keep for quick reference. Copies of the contract booklets were mailed to all Pepsi members this week.

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Local 727 Working to Resolve GLCCD Attendance Policy Issues

Local 727 Working to Resolve GLCCD Attendance Policy Issues

| August 9, 2016

Teamsters Local 727 representatives are working to resolve issues with Great Lakes Coca-Cola Distribution’s new attendance policy.

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Mail Ballots Sent to Osco Pharmacists, Must Be Returned by Aug. 19

Mail Ballots Sent to Osco Pharmacists, Must Be Returned by Aug. 19

| August 8, 2016

The Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee and Osco management reached a tentative agreement on a new three-year contract on July 28. The contract now goes to a member vote, which again will be conducted via mail ballot.

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Union, Osco Reach Tentative Agreement; Bargaining Committee Recommends Contract for Ratification

Union, Osco Reach Tentative Agreement; Bargaining Committee Recommends Contract for Ratification

| August 5, 2016

The Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee and Osco management returned to the bargaining table on July 28, and after an 11-hour mediation session, reached a tentative agreement on a new three-year contract. The contract now goes to a member vote, which again will be conducted via mail ballot.

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CVS Ignores Union’s Request to Enter Federal Mediation

CVS Ignores Union’s Request to Enter Federal Mediation

| August 4, 2016

CVS management is repeating its history of unreasonable actions and delay tactics by ignoring Teamsters Local 727’s request to enter federal mediation.

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