Local 727 Files Unfair Labor Charges Against Coca-Cola Refreshments for Unlawful Delay in Processing Grievances

Local 727 Files Unfair Labor Charges Against Coca-Cola Refreshments for Unlawful Delay in Processing Grievances

| February 17, 2017

For months, Local 727 has been awaiting Step One responses to numerous grievances from Coca-Cola.

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Local 727 Wins Grievances, Secures Back Pay for Two CDT Employees

| January 30, 2017

Teamsters Local 727 recently settled two grievances and secured substantial back pay for two bargaining unit employees with Cook-DuPage Transportation (CDT).

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Local 727 Files Unfair Labor Charges Against CDT for Unlawful Actions

Local 727 Files Unfair Labor Charges Against CDT for Unlawful Actions

| January 30, 2017

Teamsters Local 727 has filed unfair labor practice charges against Cook-DuPage Transportation (CDT) to uphold a settlement agreement and enforce labor laws protecting workers’ wages and job classifications.

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Local 727 Fights for Better Pharmacy Standards, Working Conditions

Local 727 Fights for Better Pharmacy Standards, Working Conditions

| January 17, 2017

Teamsters Local 727 last year met with Illinois state representatives and prepared proposals for new legislation aimed at addressing the concerns of Teamster-represented Osco and CVS pharmacists.

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Union Challenges Osco’s Refusal to Provide Information and Lack of Cooperation

| January 16, 2017

Recently Osco unilaterally decided to reduce pharmacy operational hours at four 24-hour pharmacy locations. The reduction in hours resulted in the transfer of several long-term overnight pharmacists from their stores to the day time float pool. In an attempt to work through this issue, Teamsters Local 727 demanded bargaining and proposed that Osco seek volunteers from the pool of current overnight pharmacists instead of automatically transferring long-term employees. Osco dismissed the Union’s proposal for compromise and instead refused to send an email seeking volunteers.

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