Can the Tax Rally, June 27

Can the Tax Rally, June 27

| June 19, 2017

Please save the date for the Can the Tax campaign’s rally to be held on Tuesday, June 27th, at the James R. Thompson Center’s outdoor plaza (100 W Randolph St.) […]

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Local 727 Files Labor Board Charge Against CVS for Unilateral Changes Affecting Part-Time Employees

| June 13, 2017

Teamsters Local 727 filed an unfair labor practice charge with Region 13 of the National Labor Relations Board against CVS for implementing unlawful unilateral changes concerning part-time employees. After recently […]

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Illinois Labor Society Walking Tour

Illinois Labor Society Walking Tour

| June 13, 2017

Tour of The Historic Pullman District Joint Council 25 Women’s Committee will be hosting a walking tour of the Historic Pullman District on Saturday July 8, 2017. The tour begins […]

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SMG Won’t Budge on Severance Pay, Health Care Benefits for Laid Off Workers at McCormick Place

| June 13, 2017

BARGAINING UPDATE Teamsters Local 727 met recently with SMG management for effects bargaining from the lay-off of 32 security officers at McCormick Place. The company has refused to discuss any […]

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Union Files Grievance Over Osco’s Failure to Follow Bidding Process on Open Positions

| June 13, 2017

Teamsters Local 727 recently filed a grievance against Osco claiming that the company is failing to follow the usual bidding process concerning open positions. The union is claiming that Osco […]

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