Local 727 Files Grievances Against GLCCD over Route Changes and Bidding Process Violations

| July 26, 2018

Teamsters Local 727 has filed multiple grievances against Great Lakes Coca-Cola Distribution for the Company’s recent violations of the collective bargaining agreement in regards to drivers’ routes and bids.

GLCCD has taken the unprecedented step of no longer allowing members to bid on open routes by seniority as required by the CBA.  Instead, the Company has begun to assign open routes to drivers.  Adding insult to injury, the Company is also informing drivers that their routes have been “cut” when in reality the route was merely given to another employee.

“Local 727 will not stand for this flagrant disregard of the collective bargaining agreement,” said John Coli, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 727.  “The contract lays out clear parameters on bidding and routes.  No employer has the right to pick and choose which portions of the contract it wishes to follow.  There is no excuse for GLCCD’s actions.”

“Management may believe a constant fluctuation in drivers’ stops and territories will make for a competitive, tense workplace that weakens the Union’s solidarity,” said Coli, “but they couldn’t be more wrong.  Our members understand the power we wield when we stand united.  Local 727 will use that strength and not rest until this issue is resolved.”

Members with questions should contact Business Representative Caleen Carter-Patton at (847) 696-7500 or Caleen@TeamstersLocal727.org.

Nothing in this article should be read as the union’s waiver of any legal argument, position or additional grievance. The union does not forfeit its right to make any and all supplemental arguments.

Category: BEVERAGE, Coca-Cola

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