Improved Pharmacy Work Standards Championed by Local 727 Up for Possible Vote in Chicago City Council
Teamsters Local 727’s efforts at reforming pharmacist work standards are now closer to becoming reality in Chicago.
According to a recent article published in the Chicago Tribune, on Oct. 10, the City Council Finance Committee approved a proposal containing all the provisions Local 727 and pharmacists have long pushed for. The proposed legislation includes limits on the number of prescriptions filled per hour, guaranteed meal and rest breaks, prohibition on solicitations that prevent pharmacists from serving the public, and whistleblower protection.
“If this measure passes the City Council, it will be a significant victory for Teamster pharmacists who are currently working under extreme pressure to meet unrealistic corporate expectations,” said John Coli Jr., Secretary-Treasurer of Local 727.
Ald. Edward Burke, who sponsored the proposal and is chairman of the Finance Committee, did not indicate when a vote for the measure will take place, but hoped to take the proposal to the full City Council for a vote soon. Local 727 will keep members updated as this proposal moves forward.
Anyone with questions should contact Local 727 Osco Business Representative Zach Frankenbach at (847) 696-7500 or [email protected], or Local 727 CVS Business Representative Melissa Senatore at (847) 696-7500 or [email protected].
Category: PHARMACY