First Transit DuPage Members Win Grievances to Improve Safety
Paratransit drivers perform the much-needed service of providing reliable and safe transportation to the most vulnerable members of our communities. Throughout the pandemic, these essential workers put themselves and their families at risk to always get the job done. These Teamsters Local 727 members take great pride in their work and simply ask that they receive the necessary support from their employer in order to do their jobs safely and efficiently.
At First Transit DuPage, the recently ratified collective bargaining agreement requires posting monthly safety goals. The posting of safety goals is a tool meant to promote safe driving by highlighting successes and identifying areas needing improvement. There is also a safety bonus awarded to bargaining unit members that is tied to annual safety goals. However, the Company failed to post these goals several months into the new contract cycle.
In addition, the new contract clearly states that the employer will provide each bargaining unit member with a warm coat for use in the winter months. Having a warm uniform allows the drivers to be comfortable and focused while behind the wheel or assisting passengers. When the Union demanded that First Transit provide winter coats, the general manager said they didn’t have to.
The Union quickly filed two independent class-action grievances. Following the grievance procedure, the Union was successful in securing winter coats for bargaining unit members and ensuring that safety goals will be posted monthly on a bulletin board dedicated solely to paratransit safety.
“Our paratransit members fought hard to win groundbreaking, industry standard setting, union contracts,” said John Coli Jr., Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 727. “Our Union holds all employers accountable to every letter of the collective bargaining agreements. I am so proud of the work our paratransit members did during the pandemic – and continue to do – day in and day out for our communities.”
Members with questions should reach out to Business Agent Sean McGough at (847) 696-7500 or
Nothing in this article should be read as the union’s waiver of any legal argument, position or grievance(s), or as a waiver of any rights, arguments, or defenses under any contract, collective bargaining agreement, or applicable law. The union does not forfeit its right to make any and all supplemental arguments.