Union News

Eagle Express Wastes Time and Money Contesting Union Election
Instead of starting the process of negotiating a first contract following the June 9, 2020 democratic election that fairly and legally certified Teamsters Local 727 as the representatives of all […]

Local 727 Honors Longtime Brookfield Zoo Member and Former Steward Dave Thornton
It is with a heavy heart that the Union reports the passing of Teamster Brother Dave Thornton, a long time Brookfield Zoo member and former Union Steward who passed away […]

Union Demands Safety Be Top Priority as CVS Rolls Out COVID-19 Testing Centers
Three CVS pharmacies in the Chicagoland area represented by Teamsters Local 727 are slated to begin administering COVID-19 tests in early June, further highlighting how pharmacists continue to be essential […]

Great Lakes Coca-Cola’s Lies & Unsafe Working Conditions Continue
Yesterday, after concerns from Teamsters Local 727 members continued to go unaddressed by the Company, a member called WGNTV Channel 9 who visited the GLCC facility. Recently, in the Alsip […]

May General Membership Meeting Notice
In an effort to keep all of our 727 members safe and abide by the state of Illinois’s stay-at-home order and phased reopening, the May General Membership meeting will be […]