Union News

Keurig Dr Pepper Replaces Hazard Pay with Thanksgiving Turkey
Most years, the American Bottling Company, a subsidiary of Keurig Dr Pepper, gives their employees a turkey at Thanksgiving. This year, the company is claiming it is a recognition of […]

Teamsters Local 727 Finds That Jewel-Osco Pharmacies Are Not Adequately Cleaned Following COVID-19 Exposure
As COVID-19 cases double in the Chicagoland area in a matter of days, Jewel-Osco, a wholly owned subsidiary of Albertsons NYSE:ACI, has done little to mitigate and prevent the spread […]

November General Membership Meeting Notice
In an effort to keep all of our 727 members safe the November General Membership meeting will be held via Zoom (details below). November General […]

Local 727 Hawthorne Race Track Members Secure Benefits Over Winter Months
On November 1st, Hawthorne Race Track Parkers, Starters, and Valets unanimously ratified a sixteen-month contract which will secure Employer contributions to the Teamsters Local 727 Health and Welfare, Pension, and […]

Osco Continues Down Same Tired Road During October 15 Bargaining Session
Teamsters Local 727 and Osco Drug, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Albertsons, met on Thursday, October 15th and resumed bargaining in a federally mediated session. Minimal movement was made […]