
Local 727, Pepsi Make Progress on Major Issues as Bargaining Continues, Agree to Just Cause

Local 727, Pepsi Make Progress on Major Issues as Bargaining Continues, Agree to Just Cause

| April 18, 2016

The Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee and Pepsi management made progress on key issues during contract negotiations on April 18. Both sides began the day by continuing to work from a newly unified contract that will eventually cover all Teamster Pepsi classifications.

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Union, Pepsi Working to Merge Contracts Into Unified Agreement

Union, Pepsi Working to Merge Contracts Into Unified Agreement

| April 12, 2016

Pepsi management returned to the bargaining table on April 12 prepared to merge all four contracts into one agreement. “This is a huge step in the direction we want to head,” said John T. Coli, Local 727 Secretary-Treasurer.

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Local 727 and 673 Bargaining Committee Meet for Second Negotiation Session, Pepsi Says ‘No!’ to One Contract

Local 727 and 673 Bargaining Committee Meet for Second Negotiation Session, Pepsi Says ‘No!’ to One Contract

| March 29, 2016

Bargaining on March 24 began with Pepsi all but refusing to unify its employees by merging nearly identical language into one unified and understandable contract.

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Local 727 Bargaining Committee Presents Initial Proposal as Negotiations with Pepsi Management Begin

Local 727 Bargaining Committee Presents Initial Proposal as Negotiations with Pepsi Management Begin

| March 22, 2016

The Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee presented its initial proposal to Pepsi management as contract negotiations opened on March 22.

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Local 727 Pepsi Bargaining Committee Finalizes Preparations; Negotiations Set to Begin March 22

Local 727 Pepsi Bargaining Committee Finalizes Preparations; Negotiations Set to Begin March 22

| March 21, 2016

The Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee finalized its preparations for contract negotiations with Pepsi management, which are set to begin March 22.

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