
GLCCD Lied to Members, Company Shows Up Empty-Handed Instead of Bargaining in Good Faith

GLCCD Lied to Members, Company Shows Up Empty-Handed Instead of Bargaining in Good Faith

| July 24, 2018

Great Lakes Coca-Cola Distribution, Inc. proved yesterday that it has no intention of fixing its relationship with the Union and instead is willing to lie and toss aside commitments made […]

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GLCCD’s Behavior Forces Union to File Yet Another Unfair Labor Practice Charge

| July 19, 2018

Teamsters Local 727 has filed a new Unfair Labor Practice charge with Region 13 of the National Labor Relations Board against Great Lakes Coca-Cola Distribution as a result of the […]

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Union Files an Unfair Labor Practice Charge Against GLCCD Alleging Retaliation Against Union Steward

| April 6, 2018

Teamsters Local 727 filed an unfair labor practice charge with Region 13 of the National Labor Relations Board against Great Lakes Coca-Cola Distribution alleging the Company retaliated against a Union […]

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GLCCD Stoops to New Low, Forces Union to File Unfair Labor Practice Charge

GLCCD Stoops to New Low, Forces Union to File Unfair Labor Practice Charge

| February 23, 2018

Teamsters Local 727 has filed an unfair labor practice charge with Region 13 of the National Labor Relations Board against Great Lakes Coca-Cola Distribution as a result of the Company’s […]

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Union Pushes Back Against GLCCD and Prepares to Fight in 13 Upcoming Arbitrations

Union Pushes Back Against GLCCD and Prepares to Fight in 13 Upcoming Arbitrations

| January 29, 2018

Currently, Teamsters Local 727 has 13 arbitrations pending against Great Lakes Coca Cola Distribution. Many of the arbitration cases are over unjust discipline and in at least one of the […]

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