
Sun-Times Reports Revenues Back to “Pre-Pandemic Levels” at Multiple Local 727 Signatory Companies
According to an article in the Chicago Sun-Times, a number of employers and industries including LAZ Meters, the Chicago Skyway, and Parking, all of whom have collective bargaining agreements with Local […]
727 Negotiates Hazard Pay for Skyway Employees In Light of COVID-19
Teamsters Local 727 is proud to announce Toll Collectors at Chicago Skyway will receive “Appreciation Pay” from the company after the Union and its members demanded the company recognize the […]
Local 727 Resolves Grievance with Skyway, Part-Time Employees to Receive Owed Vacation Time
Teamsters Local 727 has successfully resolved a grievance with Skyway Concessions Co. regarding the method used to calculate vacation accrual for part-time employees. The grievance was originally filed earlier this […]
Union Secures Contract with Largest Wage Raise in Skyway Bargaining Unit History
Teamsters Local 727 members employed by Skyway Concessions Co. unanimously ratified a new collective bargaining agreement covering toll booth collectors. The three-year contract provides for annual wage raises, enhanced benefits, […]
Local 727 Continues to Demand Fair Compensation
Teamsters Local 727 maintained its demand for fair wages for Skyway toll booth collectors as collective bargaining negotiations continued with Skyway Concessions Co. on July 27th and 30th. Although Skyway […]