84 Days to Election Day: Local 727 Phone Banks for Pritzker and Pro-Labor Candidates
Teamsters Local 727 Business Agents volunteered alongside fellow union members this past Wednesday to support J.B. Pritzker and all labor-friendly candidates up for election this November. The Business Agents spent […]
Prop A Shot Down, Missourians Reject Right-to-Work Legislation
Voters across Missouri united Tuesday to push back against big business, overwhelmingly rejecting an attempt to enact right-to-work legislation in the state. Voting two-to-one, hardworking Missourians overturned the 2017 RTW […]
Local 727 Calls for Fair Treatment of Immigrant Workers on May Day
Today, May 1st, known as May Day or International Workers’ Day, is a time to acknowledge and celebrate the hard-won rights workers have achieved throughout the years. May Day has […]

“Why I Wear Red:” A Message from John Coli Jr., Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 727
The Teamsters Local 727 office staff and I are all wearing red today in support of the fight for pay equity. Today, April 10th, Equal Pay Day, is symbolic for […]
Wear Red on Equal Pay Day to Show Your Support for Pay Equity
Equal Pay Day will be observed nationwide on Tuesday, April 10th. This April date is symbolic for how many days into the new year an average American woman has to […]