Osco Pharmacists: Give Us Your Input Before Negotiations Resume!

Osco Pharmacists: Give Us Your Input Before Negotiations Resume!

| July 20, 2016

Teamsters Local 727 representatives and stewards have been talking to Osco pharmacists to continue gathering input as the Local 727 Bargaining Committee prepares to return to the bargaining table on July 28.

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With CVS Negotiations Set to Resume July 20, Local 727 Participates in Informational Picket

With CVS Negotiations Set to Resume July 20, Local 727 Participates in Informational Picket

| July 18, 2016

Teamsters Local 727 continued its efforts to inform the public of the safety risks associated with CVS management’s mistreatment of overworked and understaffed pharmacists as union representatives participated in an informational picket outside Chicago-area pharmacies on July 15.

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Osco Pharmacists: We Need Your Continued Input for Contract Negotiations!

Osco Pharmacists: We Need Your Continued Input for Contract Negotiations!

| July 13, 2016

As the Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee prepares to resume contract negotiations with Osco management, union representatives and stewards are reaching out to pharmacists for their input.

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Osco Pharmacists Overwhelmingly Reject Company’s Contract Offer

Osco Pharmacists Overwhelmingly Reject Company’s Contract Offer

| July 6, 2016

Osco pharmacists overwhelmingly rejected the company’s contract offer by a more than 3-to-1 margin. The Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee and Osco management are scheduled to resume negotiations July 28.

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Osco Pharmacists: Get the Facts About the Company’s Contract Offer

| June 22, 2016

Osco management has been distributing a summary of its contract offer to pharmacists. But the company’s handout does not tell the whole story. “No matter how the company tries to dress up its proposal, the truth is that they haven’t listened to pharmacists and they don’t care about what matters most to you,” said John T. Coli, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 727.

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