CVS Ignores Union’s Request to Enter Federal Mediation

CVS Ignores Union’s Request to Enter Federal Mediation

| August 4, 2016

CVS management is repeating its history of unreasonable actions and delay tactics by ignoring Teamsters Local 727’s request to enter federal mediation.

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CVS Management Threatens Teamster Pharmacists During Bargaining, Union to File Unfair Labor Practice Charges

| July 21, 2016

Representatives of CVS threatened “to do things that would be to the detriment of pharmacists” after Teamsters Local 727 would not agree to the company’s regressive proposals during contract negotiations on Thursday, July 21.

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CVS Again Wastes Time, Refuses to Make Meaningful Movement

CVS Again Wastes Time, Refuses to Make Meaningful Movement

| July 20, 2016

CVS management once again wasted a full day of the Teamsters Local 727 Bargaining Committee’s time, making no meaningful movement from its unreasonable demands and adding only 15 cents to its meager wage proposal at the very end of the 10th negotiation meeting July 20.

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With CVS Negotiations Set to Resume July 20, Local 727 Participates in Informational Picket

With CVS Negotiations Set to Resume July 20, Local 727 Participates in Informational Picket

| July 18, 2016

Teamsters Local 727 continued its efforts to inform the public of the safety risks associated with CVS management’s mistreatment of overworked and understaffed pharmacists as union representatives participated in an informational picket outside Chicago-area pharmacies on July 15.

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CVS Pharmacists Express Disgust Over Company’s Latest Proposal

CVS Pharmacists Express Disgust Over Company’s Latest Proposal

| June 20, 2016

CVS pharmacists have expressed disgust over the company’s latest contract proposals, which still include radical concessions such as mandatory 12-hour shifts, forcing pharmacists to perform work on uncompensated time and meager wage increases.

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