Sun-Times Reports Revenues Back to “Pre-Pandemic Levels” at Multiple Local 727 Signatory Companies
According to an article in the Chicago Sun-Times, a number of employers and industries including LAZ Meters, the Chicago Skyway, and Parking, all of whom have collective bargaining agreements with Local […]

Teamsters Local 727 Reaches Resolution with SP Plus over COVID Furloughs
As you all know, when the COVID-19 Pandemic hit Chicago, hundreds of your Union brothers and sisters who work for SP Plus were furloughed. Upon notice of the furloughs, your […]

LAZ Parking Inexplicably Spreads Lies as Fallout from COVID-19 Pandemic Continues
Nearly a year after LAZ Parking unceremoniously and illegally furloughed hundreds of parking employees with barely a day’s notice and without giving prior notice to, or bargaining with, the Union, […]

SP+ Reimburses Full-Time Residential Parking Members For Involuntary Paid Time Off During Furlough
During the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, full-time parking members working at SP+ residential locations, including those working at a number of Gold Coast condominium buildings along Lake Shore Drive, […]

Labor Services Solutions Forced by NLRB To Post Notice of Violations
After illegally furloughing dozens of Union members who provide essential valet parking service to patients, visitors and staff at the University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC) during the Covid-19 pandemic, […]