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teamsters727's Latest Posts

Local 727 Stands in Solidarity with Local 175 Members as they Initiate a One-Day ULP Strike Against Coca-Cola

| November 13, 2018

Teamsters Local 727 is proud to stand in solidarity with our fellow Teamster Brothers and Sisters of Local 175. According to a recent statement released by Teamsters Local 175 Secretary-Treasurer […]

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Local 727 Opens Trade Show and Trade Show Warehouse Contract Negotiations with Proposal to Withdraw from Failing Central States Pension Fund

| November 13, 2018

Teamsters Local 727 and representatives of Freeman Decorating Company and Global Exposition Services (GES) opened negotiations on Friday, November 2nd for a new trade show industry master collective bargaining agreement […]

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Local 727 and the Chicago Tribune Reach Agreement on $68 Million Pension Fund Merger

Local 727 and the Chicago Tribune Reach Agreement on $68 Million Pension Fund Merger

| November 12, 2018

Nearly 850 Participants’ Pensions Saved! Following years of negotiations, trustees for the Teamsters Local Union No. 727 Pension Plan and the Chicago Newspaper Publishers Drivers Union Pension Fund, the pension […]

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Cook DuPage Transportation’s Last Minute Refusal to Meet Industry Standards Offends Local 727 Paratransit Workers

| November 8, 2018

CHICAGO, November 8, 2018 – Cook DuPage Transportation Co., Inc. (CDT), a subsidiary of National Express (LSE: NEX), not only continues to drag its feet during negotiations for a new […]

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CVS Pharmacists Day of Strength

CVS Pharmacists Day of Strength

| November 6, 2018

Local 727 invites all union members to join CVS Pharmacists for a Day of Strength!

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