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Record-Setting Number of Grievances Filed Against GLCCD Illustrates its Broken Relationship with Employees & Local 727

Record-Setting Number of Grievances Filed Against GLCCD Illustrates its Broken Relationship with Employees & Local 727

| April 12, 2019

Great Lakes Coca-Cola Distribution, a subsidiary of Reyes Holdings, has claimed repeatedly that it would like to repair and improve its relationship with its employees and with Teamsters Local 727.  […]

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Local 727 Files Charge Against GLCCD General Manager for Threatening Statements

Local 727 Files Charge Against GLCCD General Manager for Threatening Statements

| April 11, 2019

This week, Teamsters Local 727 filed charges against Great Lakes Coca-Cola Distribution, Inc. after General Manager Steve Zulanas allegedly made threatening statements to Union members.  The charges are now pending […]

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GLCCD Presents and Refuses to Move on Live Loading Proposal, Offers No Movement on Health Care

GLCCD Presents and Refuses to Move on Live Loading Proposal, Offers No Movement on Health Care

| April 9, 2019

On the first day of negotiations with Great Lakes Coca-Cola Distribution, Inc., a subsidiary of Reyes Holdings, Teamsters Local 727 proposed the elimination of live loading from the new successor […]

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GLCCD Attempts to Defend Awful Health Care by Accusing Union of Cherry-Picking

| April 9, 2019

Teamsters Local 727 opened this morning’s bargaining session with Great Lakes Coca-Cola Distribution, Inc., a subsidiary of Reyes Holdings, by presenting a comprehensive proposal and again stressing the need for […]

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Dr Pepper Insults Union and Outrageously Refuses to Make Any Movement

| April 8, 2019

At 2:09 p.m., after nearly a 2-hour caucus, Dr Pepper representatives called the Teamsters Local 727 bargaining committee back to the negotiating table and proceeded to read what appeared to […]

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