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teamsters727's Latest Posts

Local 727 Secures Alternative 401(k) Retirement Option for Master Trade Show Industry and Warehouse Contracts

Local 727 Secures Alternative 401(k) Retirement Option for Master Trade Show Industry and Warehouse Contracts

| May 22, 2019

Membership to Vote Between Cash Balance Plan and 401(k) Plan The Teamsters Local 727 bargaining committee and Trade Show Contractors reconvened negotiations for a Master Trade Show Industry collective bargaining […]

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Local 727 Member Rashonda Hudson’s Positivity at Lightfoot Inauguration Shines on Tribune Cover, Secretary-Treasurer Coli Congratulates Mayor Lightfoot

Local 727 Member Rashonda Hudson’s Positivity at Lightfoot Inauguration Shines on Tribune Cover, Secretary-Treasurer Coli Congratulates Mayor Lightfoot

| May 21, 2019

Longtime Teamsters Local 727 member Rashonda Hudson was featured on the cover of this morning’s Chicago Tribune after attending Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s inauguration yesterday. Hudson was quoted as saying, “I […]

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Local 727 Proposes Union Health Care on Opening Day of Contract Negotiations with Vitalant

| May 17, 2019

Teamsters Local 727 and Vitalant (formerly Lifesource) opened negotiations yesterday for a new successor collective bargaining agreement covering distribution drivers and Mobile Unit Assistants. Local 727 kicked-off yesterday’s negotiations by proposing […]

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Local 727 Files Petition on Behalf of MV VA Paratransit Workers for Representation Election

| May 15, 2019

On Friday, April 26, Teamsters Local 727 filed a petition for a representation election with the National Labor Relations Board after an overwhelming majority of MV Transportation, Inc. 283 VA […]

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Join Your Fellow Teamster Brothers & Sisters for the Annual Local 727 Member Picnic this Sunday, May 19, Directly Following the Union’s May General Membership Meeting

Join Your Fellow Teamster Brothers & Sisters for the Annual Local 727 Member Picnic this Sunday, May 19, Directly Following the Union’s May General Membership Meeting

| May 15, 2019

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