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teamsters727's Latest Posts

IBT Recognizes Local 727 Organizing Victory of More than 850 Transportation Workers in Chicago

IBT Recognizes Local 727 Organizing Victory of More than 850 Transportation Workers in Chicago

| January 19, 2024

Just this week hundreds of transportaiton workers at SCR Medical Transportation LCC, a subidiary of Beacon Mobility, voted to join Teamsters Local 727. Click here to read the story posted […]

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SCR Rally Story

| November 22, 2023

Teamsters Local 727 filed for a Union Election at SCR Transportation LLC, a subsidiary of Beacon Mobility; Management responds with hostility and wasted city resources Yesterday morning, Teamsters Local 727 […]

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FDSA Trade Show Story

FDSA Trade Show Story

| November 3, 2023

Local 727 Participates in 18th Annual FDSA Trade Show On Wednesday, November 1st, Local 727 participated in the 18th annual FDSA (Funeral Directors Services Association) Trade Show at the White […]

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Local 727 Contract Secures Jobs for Meter Enforcement Members

Local 727 Contract Secures Jobs for Meter Enforcement Members

| September 13, 2023

In July 2023, Local 727 representatives received notice that Laz Meters had terminated its contract with Lincoln Security to manage the Meter Enforcement bargaining unit. This is the second time […]

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Quala Wash Starts Economic Discussion With Bad Faith Bargaining and Insulting and Unrealistic Wage and Benefit Offer: Union Files Unfair Labor Practice

Quala Wash Starts Economic Discussion With Bad Faith Bargaining and Insulting and Unrealistic Wage and Benefit Offer: Union Files Unfair Labor Practice

| June 22, 2023

On Wednesday, June 21st, Local 727 reconvened negotiations with Quala Wash for the third round in pursuit of a successor contract. However, to the astonishment of the Union, the Company […]

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