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teamsters727's Latest Posts

Teamsters Local 727 Health & Welfare Fund Now Covers Hearing Aids for Plan Participants

Teamsters Local 727 Health & Welfare Fund Now Covers Hearing Aids for Plan Participants

| May 24, 2022

Thanks to the hard work and diligence of the Trustees of the Health and Welfare Fund participants in the Local 727 Health & Welfare Medical plan and their dependents over […]

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Local 727 Members Attend 2022 Women’s Conference in Seattle

Local 727 Members Attend 2022 Women’s Conference in Seattle

| May 5, 2022

Thirteen members of Local 727 attended the 2022 Teamsters Women’s Conference held in Seattle, Washington from September 18th thru the 21st. The conference, which is held annually, brought together more than […]

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Save the Date for the Teamsters Local 727 Annual Charitable Fund Event

Save the Date for the Teamsters Local 727 Annual Charitable Fund Event

| April 19, 2022

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First Transit DuPage Members Win Grievances to Improve Safety

First Transit DuPage Members Win Grievances to Improve Safety

| March 16, 2022

Paratransit drivers perform the much-needed service of providing reliable and safe transportation to the most vulnerable members of our communities. Throughout the pandemic, these essential workers put themselves and their […]

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March General Membership Meeting Notice

March General Membership Meeting Notice

| March 14, 2022

In an effort to keep all of our 727 members safe the March General Membership meeting will be held via Zoom (details below).           March General […]

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