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teamsters727's Latest Posts

Local 727 Volunteers for Political Candidates Ahead of the Illinois Primary

| February 26, 2018

Representatives of Teamsters Local 727 have been hitting the pavement this February by volunteering for political candidates up for re-election in the March 20 Illinois primary. Walking door-to-door last weekend […]

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GLCCD Stoops to New Low, Forces Union to File Unfair Labor Practice Charge

GLCCD Stoops to New Low, Forces Union to File Unfair Labor Practice Charge

| February 23, 2018

Teamsters Local 727 has filed an unfair labor practice charge with Region 13 of the National Labor Relations Board against Great Lakes Coca-Cola Distribution as a result of the Company’s […]

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Working People’s Day of Action – Feb. 24

| February 22, 2018

Fifty years ago this April, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated while advocating for union public sanitation workers striking in Memphis, Tenn. To honor the legacy of Dr. King […]

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Union’s Efforts Result in New Rest Break Procedures for Osco Pharmacists

Union’s Efforts Result in New Rest Break Procedures for Osco Pharmacists

| February 20, 2018

Last year, Osco unilaterally implemented a biometric system without bargaining with the Union first. This change prevented pharmacists from taking uninterrupted breaks. Teamsters Local 727 brought this issue to Osco’s […]

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First Joint Labor-Management Committee Meeting Held Between Union and CDT

First Joint Labor-Management Committee Meeting Held Between Union and CDT

| February 14, 2018

Teamsters Local 727 and CDT representatives recently held the first Joint Labor-Management Committee meeting. Due to Local 727’s efforts at reforming CDT’s operations, CDT’s new owner, National Express, agreed to […]

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