Local 727 Attorneys Ready to Present Updated Contract Draft to Pepsi Management

| May 6, 2016

Teamsters Local 727 received Pepsi management’s contract draft document containing its last, best and final economic offer late Wednesday afternoon. Union attorneys worked into the night, going through the draft line by line, to ensure the merged contract language and tentative agreements are properly represented based upon the agreements reached by the parties during negotiations.

Union attorneys will present the updated contract draft to Pepsi management on Friday, with the hope of finalizing the contract draft at that time. Once the union has a final, complete contract draft, it will be sent to the printer to make 700 copies for Local 727 representatives to distribute to members at all four Pepsi worksites for review.

Local 727 will continue to update the membership as more information becomes available. If you have questions, contact your Local 727 Business Representative.


Category: BEVERAGE, Pepsi

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